Questions on Hindu Scriptures

Questions addressing vast ocean of Hindu Scriptures including Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Puranas, Ramayan, Mahabharath etc.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Who is Aryan? Are Aryans(and Vedas) originally from Iran or Europe? Are Vedic Aryans different from original Indians?

Question: Could you explain what does Aryan mean and its origin? I came across a theory which states Aryans originally belong to Iran and the scriptures Zend Avesta and Vedas were composed in this region by Vedic Aryans. It also states that original culture of India is different from Vedic culture. What is the truth?Answer: This is a complex question and can be answered in parts. First, let us see what does Aryan refer to and what it means.Meaning...

Monday, 20 April 2015

Who wrote Devi Bhagavatham?

Question: Who wrote Devi Bhagavatham? Where it is mentioned ? - Question by B.Kalyan Kumar, Hyderabad Answer: The Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, also known as Devi Purana, was composed into 12 chapters, containing 18000 verses by the great Veda Vyasa. Though classified as an upapurana it is the only purana Vedavyasa called "Maha Purana" meaning the great purana. At the end of each chapter of the 18 main puranas or the upa puranas is the verse "This is the end of the fifth section of the Vishnu Purana", or "Thus ends the first chapter of Ganesha...

Friday, 16 January 2015

Where can I get authentic English translation of the Vedas

Question: Where can I get authentic English translation of the Vedas not done by a westerner? Has any Indian Guru done it? - Bharath Krishna, SeattleAnswer: If your purpose is to study Vedas, we would strictly recommend you to learn it from a competent guru, who belongs to an authentic parampara. Generally Vedas are not learnt by reading them though, because it requires a guru to guide you to the true meaning. In USA, you can contact Arsha Vidya...

Thursday, 24 October 2013

How many arms does maa Durga have and why?

Question: Durga ke kitne hath(hands) hai or kyu?- Mohammad Shahnawaz, MuzaffarnagarA: Before coming to the question, let me explain some basics. According to Sanatan Dharma, Durga(Shakthi) is known as the Mother of the Cosmos with infinite power to protect her devotees from all kinds of destructive forces. Actually, Shiva and Shakti are one and the same - both are manifestations of the all-in-one divine consciousness. SHIVA...

Friday, 12 July 2013

Why god has created this universe? What is the purpose of life? Who am I?

Q: Why god has created this universe? What is the purpose of life? Who am I?- Vaibhav, BangaloreA: 1. Why god has created this universe? The notion of god "creating" something not true. Because the concept of "creation" in Hinduism is not an external creation, rather it is a manifestation of Parabrahman itself. The world as it appears is not an absolute truth, but is relative. It is called mithya or maya. The illusion,...

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Why did Sri Ram abandon Sita maiya?

Q: Isn't it wrong in part of Sree Ram to abandon sita maya into forest even though she had passed The Agni Pariksha and that too just because a drunkard was shouting on his wife.... While the drunkard should have been punished instead ..?- RAKES, PuriA: The main point to be considered here is that the original Valmiki Ramayana ends with Yuddha Khanda. Since we have a well maintained 'parampara' through which scriptures are handed down the generation,...

Why did God separate souls from himself which should go back to him?

Q: Souls are not born, they are eternal. They must go to God to achieve salvation. But souls came from God...So if souls comes from God and it has to go back to God, why did God separate souls from himself to come back to him?- Madhukar SinghA: In Sanathan Dharma, the concept of 'Atma' cannot be equated with the 'soul' in Abrahamic religions. Neither is their concept of "god" same as that of Ishwara. Atma need not "go to Ishwara", because Atma is not at all separated from Brahman. There is an example of 'AkASa'(space) used in Vedanta...